Potential of​ SRI

Improving and Demonstrating the​  ​
EU Life Project

News & Events

The 4th Plenary Meeting of easySRI

May 23, 2024

The consortium has gathered in Madrid for its fourth plenary meeting.

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3rd Newsletter

Apr 26, 2024

3rd Newsletter is out!

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easySRI aims to enable a smooth and extendable web platform that offers services for the automated calculation of the SRI according to the Final report on the technical support to the development of a smart readiness indicator for buildings accomplished under the authority of the European Commission DG Energy ENER that will act as a basis for an effective implementation of the SRI and allow further testing at Member State level.

easySRI aims to introduce additional parameters that address energy efficiency and financial dimensions in view of making the acquired information more understandable and quantitative for the user of the building. Furthermore, easySRI will support the implementation of a number of ML services (i.e. ML-based core engine and wizard tool for performance and smartness upgrades and SRT interventions), which will assist the evaluation and assessment of the building system’s performance and smartness in more than one normalised metrics as per the SRI framework, and provide customised recommendations for upgrades, considering the cost of investment.

Furthermore, novel business strategies will promote adoption and engage stakeholders towards evaluating and upgrading smartness in their facilities, while dedicated workshops and training material will facilitate deployment. Finally, the project aspires the update of current standards as well as the inclusion of its outcomes in new or future standards and will investigate links with other EU initiatives such as EPCs, B-Logs and renovation passports in order to maximize the use of SRI concept in EU policies in the fields of energy and buildings.

Funded by EU LIFE Programme, easySRI project has started in November 2022 and will end in October 2025. 


